Lola Simpson, MS

Chief Executive Officer

Joined AIRnyc in 2022. As CEO, Lola Simpson leads a team of community health workers to improve health disparities and social care conditions for individuals and families in NYC. Lola brings more than 20 years of experience, helping to oversee social justice and health reform initiatives for state and local government agencies and nonprofit organizations.  

Lola specializes in influencing system changes by breaking down inefficiencies and improving health equity in social justice, program implementation, and technology transformation for data-driven decision-making.  At OneCity Health, Lola helped to establish operations and contracts development for the largest Provider Performing System (PPS) in New York State. She also managed its asthma home-based environmental pilot at 11 hospitals and clinics, overseeing a successful integration into NYC Health + Hospitals’ Electronic Medical Record system.  As a manager of the Guns Down, Life Up initiative, she restructured the contracting process to expedite payments to anti-violence community organizations.

As a Senior Associate for Metis Associates, Lola led the multi-state data collection and reporting strategy for the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI). She has also held several positions in New York City government, enhancing programs and data quality. 

Lola serves on the Board of the Independent Living Association, a state non-profit agency that provides residential and day programs for intellectually and developmentally disabled individuals in NYC. She holds a Master of Science in Public Policy and Management from the New School University.